Yoga translated from sankrit means union – union of physical body. Yoga as a therapy is fast gaining ground. Yoga techniques can heal various diseases like hypertension, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, obesity, stress etc. The correct way to follow Yoga is to implement it in our day-to-day life and try and make life more meaningful..
The Yoga techniques in themselves do not have much value, unless we can understand the essence of asana, pranayama, kriya, mudra, relaxation techniques etc. They can help in changing our way of thinking and how we react to situations. Then they can have a tremendous impact on our physical and mental health. The idea is not to follow Yoga as some kind of physical exercises but use the techniques as tools to calming the mind. Such a person will remain disease free physically and mentally. Yoga posters stretch, strengthen and tone the entire body. Regular practice helps balance our body/ mind and enhance health and well-being. Ayurveda in Calicut provides effective cure from all illness.